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What You Need To Know Before You Do Intermittent Fasting

With so many different types of intermittent fasting it is important to understand them all and also which ones applies to your lifestyle to for the most effectiveness.

There are various intermittent fasting methods, and finding one that suits your lifestyle is the most important to be able to maintain the fast and enjoy it, so you don't quit sooner and feel disheartened. Here are 7 ways to do intermittent fasting. Fasting between 10-16 hours, the body produces Ketones in the bloodstream using the fat stored.

"You don't need to eat less; you need to the right."

Fast 12 hours a day

This is probably the easiest to do, especially for the beginner it as it requires little effort as it includes the average 8 hours it requires you too fast for an additional 4 hours after waking. For instance, you can choose your fasting window to be between 7 pm-7 am. This would require finishing your last meal of the day at 7 pm and the first meal the next day at 7 am.

Fasting for 16 hours

Also known as the 16:8 or lean grains diet. This is when your fast for 16 hours a day and leave a window of 8 hours to eat. For men, it's 16 hours, and for women for 14 hours. This is ideal for people who tried to do the 12 hours but did not see the benefits. Within this fast, you could finish your evening meal at 8 pm. Skip breakfast the next day and do not eat again until noon.

A study was conducted which showed people who used this fasting method. Were prevented from obesity.

24 hour fast

Unlike the other fast, this fast requires a whole day of not eating. This is encouraged to reset the body and then go back into the following day's normal meal routine. This fast can be challenging as the body can go through fatigue and headaches during this period. However, many people who experienced these symptoms also noticed it disappear this fast become part of their routine.

It is recommended that people should try 12 hours or 16 hours first before attempting this fast.

The Warrior Diet

This is another extreme fasting. It requires a minimal window to eat 4 hours a day. The following 20 hours require you can small portions of raw fruit, water, and one large meal at the end of the day during the 4-hour window. It is important to eat protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and some carbohydrates. Although it is possible to follow this diet, it can also be difficult to maintain because some people may have difficulty eating such a large meal before bed. There is also a risk that people eating this diet may not eat enough fiber, which can adversely affect digestive health.

Reading the different types of intermittent fasting will give you an indication if this is right for you. There are various intermittent fasting methods, and finding one that suits your lifestyle is the most important to be able to maintain the fast and enjoy it, so you don't quit sooner and feel disheartened. Here are 7 ways to do intermittent fasting. Fasting between 10-16 hours, the body produces Ketones in the bloodstream using the fat stored.

Reading the different types of intermittent fasting will give you an indication if this is right for you.


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